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Using Salesforce to Track Sponsorships & Exhibitors at Your Next Event

Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) tool used by organizations of all sizes to improve their relationships with customers. With a wide range of features and tools, Salesforce allows associations and nonprofits to store, organize, and manage customer data, track customer interactions, and automate many aspects of the sales and marketing processes. For associations and nonprofits looking to track exhibitors and sponsorships, Salesforce is an ideal tool that can help them manage their exhibitor and sponsorship data, streamline communication with sponsors and exhibitors, and ultimately increase non-dues revenue.

Salesforce’s Sales Cloud offering is a powerful tool that associations and nonprofits can use to track all relevant information about exhibitors and sponsors, including sponsorship levels and booth locations. By creating a pipeline of potential sponsors and exhibitors, the organization can track where each prospect is in the sales process and ensure that no potential revenue opportunities are missed. Salesforce can also automate the sales process, sending out automated emails and reminders to prospects as they move through the pipeline.

Once a sponsor or exhibitor has been secured, Salesforce can be used to manage the logistics of the event. This includes tracking booth assignments, managing payments, and coordinating shipping and setup. Salesforce can also be used to communicate with sponsors and exhibitors, sending out pre-event information and updates, as well as post-event surveys and follow-up emails.

One of the most significant advantages of using Salesforce for tracking exhibitors and sponsorships is the ability to analyze the effectiveness of the program. By tracking data such as revenue generated, the number of exhibitors, and attendance at sponsored events, the organization can identify areas of strength and weakness in their program and make data-driven decisions to improve future events. Salesforce also provides reporting capabilities that allow organizations to view and analyze their data in various formats, including graphs and charts.

In addition to tracking exhibitors and sponsorships, Salesforce can also be used to track leads, opportunities, and pipeline management. By using Salesforce’s lead management features, associations can capture leads and automatically assign them to the appropriate team member for follow-up. Salesforce’s opportunity management features can be used to track potential revenue opportunities, while its pipeline management tools can be used to manage the sales process and ensure that potential revenue opportunities are not missed.

Salesforce’s reports and dashboards allow organizations to analyze and visualize their data in meaningful ways. With Salesforce reports, users can create custom reports based on sponsorship and exhibitor leads and opportunities, allowing them to better understand their pipelines and forecasts. Salesforce dashboards can provide a visualization of key performance indicators and metrics, allowing users to quickly and easily monitor the health of their pipeline.

Finally, Salesforce has open API’s. You can set-up integrations between your association management software solution, donor management solution, and financial systems. This will allow you to pass information back to your systems so data isn’t lost.

About Systems Rewired

Systems Rewired is a Salesforce consulting company that works exclusively with associations and nonprofit organizations. If your organization is interested in adopting the Salesforce platform, contact one our Salesforce association consultants for a free consultation.

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